You are ultimately responsible for every choice you make, every emotion you feel and every experience you have. There are occasions in our lives, however, when going it alone is not as effective as asking someone to travel alongside you. A coach is your guide, your mentor, your champion. Coaching is foreseeing obstacles, paving the way, and adding value to your journey. Coaching focuses on the present and the future, with the past serving only as a backdrop. A coach holds you accountable when you feel like giving up, helps you refocus when you lose perspective and doesn’t hold back when you need to hear hard truths. Your coach will become an invaluable asset in your journey towards living a fulfilling, authentic, balanced life.
Life is about choices. You can do nothing different and stay where you are. If you’re truly ready to stop living on the edge of your life contact me now to explore coaching and start creating a life that reaches beyond average to extraordinary.
Categories of Coaching
- Individual – one on one private and confidential coaching
- Group – small setting onsite or via webinar
- Business/Organization – group or individual coaching designed to develop your staff and create strategies that match your vision
- Solopreneur – the support you need to take your business where you want to go, and beyond
The goal of coaching is the goal of good management – to make the most of an organization’s valuable resources.
~ Harvard Business Review
Between 25% to 40% of Fortune 500 companies use executive coaches.
~ The HayGroup (USA) 1999
Leaders are more powerful role models when they learn than when they teach.
~ Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Harvard Business School
Visit Sara Craig Co. for more information about how you can connect with coaching to start identifying your goals and creating strategies to reach them.